#31 Story: Interdimensional & Interspecies Communication Conference.


1992 flyer keys

I had now encountered three different types of ET related shape shifters. John with the possession type, Dr. C. of the mental field type (hiding behind an illusion) , and “Alice” a true physical shift. My paradigm of what is possible was expanding in huge proportions… or… I was crazy as a loon!

A month went by and I received a call from a man named Mr. Donald Keys, from a United Nations Group calling themselves Planetary Citizens. He wanted me to be a speaker at his Tucson symposium called, Interdimensional and Interspecies Communication. He was referred to me by Lee and his wife of the Meier contacts. He wanted me to speak about both the Meier case and the Mars information. It would be at his expense at the Westward Look resort in Tucson. I agreed. It would be my first true live presentation of both materials.

What happened there showed me how serious the Pleiadians were about my protection.

keys bio pic








More next post.

One Comment

  1. Trixie

    Geez, that’s unbelievblae. Kudos and such.

    Apr 12, 2013 @ 15:10:32

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