#38 Continued: Andre S. information

As stated in my previous post, these are the note items “Andre” shared with me. They are in no particular order.

I want to mention though, that when I first encountered “Andre” AKA Bart I had no knowledge of the subject of NON-LOCAL AWARENESS also known today as Remote Viewing. Apparently, Andre has a very good  NLA talent. All humans have the ability. Because of Andre’s interaction with me I sought and found the mind technology so I too could view Mars. I had a good reason. One of my past life memories was all about Mars over 500,000 years in the past. I wanted to verify it. It was unlikely I’d ever get to go there  physically in this life.

Andre/Bart’s notes with me by phone in 1987-88 time frame: [ED. Note:  I can’t verify any of this . They are just my notes of many hours of conversations. I wish I’d kept better notes. I post them in case someone, somewhre sees something of insight for their research. ]

Andre/Bart told me that if earth humans ever go to Mars in person they would find the bones of their ancestors scattered about from an ancient war.

Sacred Archeological sites all over our planet have mathematical markers that distinguish them from ancient civilizations. One of these markers uses a kind of mathematical principal known as palendromes.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome

A British publication called Caerdroia (Walls of Troy) has an article within the publication written by Bart. The article involves the secrets of the Minotaur.

When Bart was young at a famous university he gave a demonstration on how to bend a laser light beam with sonic interference. Something thought to be impossible at the time.

Andre/Bart told me that according to his mathematical and other knowledge the Face on Mars was a kind of Solstice marker from that point of view. [Note: Hoagland also made this claim prior to my interaction with Andre. It was published in his book Monuments.]

Andre stated that everything on Mars is based in old earth measurements which implies that Martian structures were originated from earth or the reverse. We have an ancient history which derives from our ancestral home of Mars.

Bart apparently lectured for 30 years at Cambridge University. There was supposedly an archive of all his writings at Harvard, over 110,000 pages which unfortunately were destroyed by an angry close relative by fire.

TAMIL writing predates sanscrit based on colors being mathematical equivalents in proportions. For example red=3/4 yellow=1/2 blue =1/4 of primary. red = 1/2 of orange, blue = 1/2 of green

SOUNDS: na,da,ni,la,li,ma correspond to colors.

Andre/Bart worked with MI-5 which is the UK’s defence mapping agency amongst other missions.

The Duck Mask of the Maya is actually of  Olmec/Sumerian derivation. Due to the science of sound encoding, Sumerian scientists wore the mask because their coded songs sounded much like ducks.

The Capstone of the great pyramid should be 33.13 inches exact which would make the pyramid 5,806.08 inches which equals 110 revolutions of Venus. [ by number not measurement.] Also, 1/20 statute miles.

Numbers given: for Revolutions of Mercury: 116,  Venus 584, Mars 780, Jupiter 399, Saturn 378

33.13 is also equal to the great star precession.

Bart was a protoge of the guitar master Segovia.

Bart consulted to Einstein at age 10-11.

Ancients used measurements of the Foot from the Sun and Meters are connected to moon measurements.

Tropical year is 1,000  x 360 degrees.

Satutory mile is 24,902 circumference of the earth.

29.53 x 12  = 354.36 x 1,000 x 360 = decimeter of earth 12,756.96

Bart was associated with the Foreign Ministry of Britain until he retired.

In his MI-5 activity Bart had, in 1956, given notes on cards to British intelligence noting the face on mars, the area named Cydonia with a notation stating it had been destroyed by nuclear holocaust.

Bart says there is an ICE AGE figure in the original Viking images near Cydonia.

Bart/Andre personally knew Christa McAuliffe and feels personally responsible because he persuaded her to become associated with NASA. Two weeks prior to the shuttle disaster in which she was killed  he tried to get her not to go. He had foreseen the disaster and was apparently not believed.

Bart worked with a academic named Dr. Sherz on the New Mexico Chaco Canyon site. There is a historic relation to that site and Mars locations.

Proportion notes from Bart: Mars D & M pyramid: from apex to (3rd eye) position of Face is 280 units. From 3rd eye to top of cliff is 364 units, from top of cliff back to D& M apex is 584 units, … correspondences include 280 birth/menstruation, 364 earth year, 584 sinotic of venus on earth, venus mother of man…the idea is that the numbers as measured units on mars features are all related to human proportions and earth motions.

Bart says Phobos is an artificial structure not a natural moon on Mars. (1956?)

5/pi  is an important number as is 51.5 which is 3605 ( or 360.5) divided by seven.

These numbers have something to do with ancient music/science.

Bart says there is an important clue to ancient history in a Pete/Bob  Seger song which is popular. Something to do with Cydonia in lyrics or tones.

Palendrom form of PI = 219.912  divided by a factor of 70 or 7 = 3.1416   The ancients used palendromic numbers of semetry in caluculations.

Bart showed Carl Sagan and other top scientists how to locate earth within our universe using palendrom coordinates and they rejected his information.

Bart has over 100 note cards of Mars information stored with a cousin in Rhode Island USA.

All features that are not natural on Mars have human mathematical signatures derived from woman’s menstrual cycles as a celebration of life.

Mars was an open air environment and was colonized from earth over 100,000 years ago by long dead civilizations. [ ED note: within the last few of years of this writing certain archeologists and scientists have discovered in southern Africa ancient ruins over 100,000 years ago which have very high tech features.]

Bart was in the Royal Air Force in 1956. Had an assassination attempt on his life. He gave his Mars data to British military and was told for many years not to tell anyone of his Mars information because defense budgets would not be approved if the general population knew of the nuclear destruction on mars. [ed note: oddly this is the same thing that happened to my own Cydonia sister city proposal as you will read later in these posts.]

In 1956 Bart informed his military that nuclear testing on our world would form OZONE holes as a result of surface testing. One of the reasons for the Ban on surface testing.

Bart supposedly performed with guitar at the Lincoln Center in NYC in the 1970’s. He had inserted into the middle of the program special drawings of something regarding Mars data. [ED. Note: If anyone reading this has access to such programs in their possession with Bart noted as a performer I would love to see it.]

Bart says that all the data required to generate antigavitic fields for space drives already exists. ( 1960 ish)

Bart told US planners where to locate the first Lunar landing site because of what they would find there. Large structures.

Einstein referred to Bart as a true child of the stars.

Bart has no birth record other than he was ” born our on the Atlantic”. He was found drifting on wreckage by some native Canadian individuals who say he spoke a language not recognized by anyone. He was very intelligent.

He was a friend of  poet Robert Frost and Carl Sandburg.

Says he gave Einstein Grand Unified Field Theory information which Einstein said he would not disclose because mankind was not ready for it.














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