#39 My Message from the Dolphins


dolphin message

This a continuation from post number 24.

Everything that could go wrong did go wrong on my journey to the symposium in Ashland, Oregon.

My old car was acting up on the way to the airport. I wasn’t sure it would make it. I barely got to the place to park when it overheated. I had to cool it before I could get through the gate. Then the shuttle from the parking area to the terminals was delayed. Security lines were full even though it was pre 911. I ran to the gate and they were closing the gate when I arrived … Only the luck of the last cart of luggage still loading allowed me to have the door held for me . I was the last one on board.

I was located next to a woman with a crying baby and smelly diapers. The plane finally left the terminal then waited on the tarmac nearly 45 minutes. The flight was very bumpy and the baby kept crying. When we arrived at Seattle where I was to aboard a commuter flight to Oregon they had no record of my flight. I had to reschedule my existing ticket to another flight that would be two hours later. My time was running out.

This was the first day of the symposium and I was scheduled to speak at 2:00 PM it was now 10:00 am with a two hour flight and taxi. It was to begin at noon. I would be late.

I relate these events and other time delayers in my travel plans because it was as if I was being purposefully delayed on some metaphysical level. I relate this to compare my events upon departure which were quite different.

I was supposed to have a car waiting for me at the Ashland airport. None was there. I had to get my own taxi. I was short on funds and it cut deep.

When I arrived at a large Holiday Inn they had no reservation for me. I explained I was the keynote speaker and they said he had already arrived. I said that wasn’t possible it was me. Turns out they had three sets of keynote speakers each speaking on a different subject area.

The rooms were filled as I was so late they had given my designated room away to others attending. Would I be willing to share? I was so stressed I agreed and was directed to the main meeting room when it was beginning.

It had started 45 minutes late. I just walked through the door when the host was speaking. Donald Keys greeted me over the PA system as I entered. I was embarrassed even though he was not drawing attention to my tardiness.

I sat up front at a table with the other featured speakers. He Introduced a woman named Sylvia, a Brit with a heavy accent, but excellent queen’s English. She was probably mid sixties with shorter silver hair.

She began by asking everyone in attendance if they had had any strange events in their life since the last conference in Tucson. No one volunteered. I tentatively raised my hand. I needed to deliver the dolphins greeting and message.

She called me to the microphone and I was just about to begin speaking when a very lovely brunette with short hair came into the room … A huge colorful aura surrounded her! I was instantly struck with a desire to meet her. I noted where she sat and went on with my opening remarks. No one else had ever displayed auras to me!

I began by telling my story of the telephone conversation with dolphins through “Alice”. When I got to the part about the cobalt blue butterfly [redacted earlier now disclosed], Sylvia audibly gasps and starts to choke back tears … I stopped to see if she was OK. She took a sip of water and indicated that she was fine. I continued to the end then said:

“The Dolphins send you their greetings at this important symposium and they send their unconditional love!”

Right at that moment something that felt exactly like the huge feeling of power and unconditional love I’d felt in 1987 off world came over my body, emanating from my solar plexus area to cover the whole room with a bluish light. Everyone in the room began to react in different ways. I saw tears, laughter, surprise and many more expressions of emotion.

Applause erupted.

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