#42 Fire that doesn’t burn.



Continued from my post numbered #40.

I have related that I was at the symposium for Interspecies and Interdimensional Communication as a speaker at the invitation of Mr. Donald Keys, one of the founders of a UN sponsored organization known as Planetary Citizens.

Donald had advised all the participants that they might experience many unusual occurrences while they attended these conferences. He was right. I and others did have many paranormal experiences. I will relate a few of them in these posts. This is just one particular to myself…

Later that day, at lunch following the various morning speakers, just after the meal, we all went to another large meeting room that had been decorated with many strange symbols. I thought back to my experience with Judith the “angel”/ gypsy … I wondered if I was participating as a member of some cult now. I dislike the idea of cults. They stifle free will. I was a bit uncomfortable in the proceedings yet, I participated since nothing seemed harmful.

I was sitting at the front row in this room. About four feet in front of me was a table, say ten feet long and three wide. It had a large paper pyramid and symbols made of paper surrounded by candles in glass jars. Above it was a hand made cardboard cut out sword with angels and clouds … very high school dance-like  decor I thought … then suddenly  in my mind I saw the whole thing erupt in flames with people screaming!

It had not actually happened yet but it seemed so real I immediately sprang out of my chair and went to the candle on the right of me just as someone at that table tipped it over with hot flaming wax. An accident.

The table did erupt in flames with all that paper decoration just as I had seen in my mind! I don’t know what I was thinking or not thinking but I took my cupped hands and stupidly tried to smother out the flames … a second pair of hands met mine and our four hands did just cover the flames and they went out! As if we had taken all the oxygen away for the flames to continue.

I looked at what I was sure to be fried, blistered hands.

Not a mark. No pain. Nothing.

I turned and looked at the person who helped and saw a man I had met in Arizona a year earlier. He smiled and said “Hi David. Fancy meeting you here.”

He had just arrived late to the conference and was, he said, guided to hurry to the room just as the flames burst and I stood to run to the table. Then he came to help me.

That was some guidance.  He too had no damage from the flames.

Later, I learned that the decoration sword hanging above the table was representing  the sword of MICHAEL of the angelic realm stories.

We had just concluded a chant requesting  to be warriors of Michael in changing the world from dark to light .. .then the fire occurred from the toppling of a candle by accident.

I remembered MICHAEL of NEBADON who I met in my off world experience with the golden white fiery light I could not look into … another synchronicity?

Were there unseen entities with us at the symposium showing us all that there is power we all possess if we would but use it?

Today my mind thinks of the ancient text of the so called burning bush encountered by one named Abraham. Could that have been similar?

You be the judge when you read what else happened in other posts following.




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