#20-Story continues: There are no coincidences.


Image: Cydonia on Mars

(excerpt  public Nasa Image)

His was one of the names listed in the publication of Volume One of UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES with publishers called Genesis Three. I had no reason to meet him personally as I just wanted  the books. I sent a mail order. The books arrived and I now had two volumes of UFO CONTACT From the Pleiades Volume II.  Big beautiful full color photos and text of beings who said they come from the star group Pleiades.

Everything seemed to be happening at the same time. I had just that day received the books on that UFO subject when I chose to stay late at the store  working on figures and inventory… again trying to survive financially somehow. I’d never stayed that late before.

I turned on the radio to listen to some music but instead it was tuned to a  talk show. On the show was a guy named Richard [ I didn’t get his last name] talking about his new book Monuments of Mars. It was the very book I had advance  excerpts given to me by Mr. S. my in-law father months before. In his talk, this Richard mentioned Mr. S’s name! After the show I called Mr. S and asked him who the guy was and could I meet him? He said someday it might be arranged as he knew him well.

While I was on the phone with Mr. S  his doorbell rang. Richard Hoagland was on the doorstep! He had tape delayed the show and on the spur of the moment he had flown to Phoenix to visit Mr. S.  I was invited to meet Richard the next day. I was excited to do so because I had seen in a photo of mars a place  called CYDONIA.

What I had seen was what appeared to be a series of pyramids, but they were placed in a pattern that reminded me of the Pleiades constellation as seen from Mars or from Earth. I wanted to ask the author it he thought there was a connection to the Pleiadians of the other book UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES.

The next day I asked a friend to watch the nearly vacant store so I could go to Phoenix to meet Mr. Hoagland. I drove to Phoenix and the door was opened by Mr. Hoagland himself! Apparently, he was an old family friend of many years. He used to stay in my [then] wife’s room as a guest. Now here he was answering the door only hours after I’d heard his information on radio!

Mr. S  introduced us formally and we sat with some iced tea. I blurted out that I’d seen something interesting on his photos regarding the Pleiades. I told him about the book CONTACT … He quickly said he was trying to find the owners of that book to talk with them about their ET Information but had been unable to locate them.

I had the phone number in my pocket that Cece had given me! 

Everyone was surprised I had it. Mr. S  went for a phone and brought the portable to the living room. It had  speaker phone capability. I had no idea what to expect and I didn’t know the guy Lee. What would I say? I dialed. A male voice answered. I asked for him by name. He was guarded and asked how I got this particular number. I told him Cece had given it to me. He said book orders should be placed through normal channels.

This wasn’t going well.

I explained I had an author of the book Monuments of Mars here with my father -in -law Mr. S. , a space expert. They wanted to talk with him. He became even  more guarded for some reason. I didn’t know what to do.

For no reason what so ever, I blurted out a phrase on a subject I knew virtually nothing about. “Did you know that a chamber has been found deep under the Sphinx in Egypt?”

The line went silent a moment. “Give me the address. I’ll be there in about two hours!”….[ he explained when he arrived why he agreed.]

The doorbell rang about two hours later as promised. A man dressed in exploration garb much like Indiana Jones was at the door. Khakis with the pockets and boots and so forth. He appeared to be in his  late forties or early fifties I guessed. He was direct and to the point in his speaking. After introductions all around he said that the ONLY reason he came at once was because of the Sphinx reference .

He explained that the number I had called was truly unknown except to a very few. Cece should not have given me that one. He also said that he almost never answered that phone usually leaving it to be monitored by  answering machine first. He answered it at a time he usually was never there. When I said, what I said, he became instantly aware he needed to come because Billy Meier had told him to expect such a piece of information years earlier.

Meier letter 1redacted

IMAGE: First contact letter Meier’s organization.

This meeting gets even stranger because prior to the knowledge of the book CONTACT, I had been reading the book Light Years. I was so compelled with the information I had written to Billy Meier seeking his book long before learning about Cece.  A letter from Billy led me to Cece. The rest  you already know.

 According to Lee the letter and books had a type of “magic” that allowed the ET’s to track the recipients spiritually in some manner.

I was now in some kind of information loop.

Although, since my miraculous survival of what should have been a fatal auto accident, I think in retrospect I had always been in some kind of information loop. I simply didn’t know it.


More next Post.


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