#70 Chogha ZanBil mystery

In Iran , Persia, Elamite.


This particular post involves  another person whom I met while incarcerated as a political prisoner detailed in other posts.

I was teaching Urantia Book basics for other interested inmates when a man approached me with quite a story. His name  is Lindsay [last name withheld].

He knew nothing about the Urantia Book when we met in my class. What he had to tell me involves these Urantia Book references.
UB:53:1.5 Abaddon was the chief of the staff of Caligastia. He followed his master into rebellion and has ever since acted as chief executive of the Urantia rebels. Beelzebub was the leader of the disloyal midway creatures who allied themselves with the forces of the traitorous Caligastia.

UB :77:7.4 These disloyal midwayers were able to reveal themselves to mortal eyes under certain circumstances, and especially was this true of the associates of Beelzebub, the leader of the apostate secondary midwayers. But these unique creatures must not be confused with certain of the rebel cherubim and seraphim who also were on earth up to the time of Christ’s death and resurrection. Some of the older writers designated these rebellious midway creatures as evil spirits and demons, and the apostate seraphim as evil angels.

UB:51:3.7 The secondary midwayers should not be confused with the primary order, who date from the near times of the arrival of the Planetary Prince. On Urantia a majority of these earlier midway creatures went into rebellion with Caligastia and have, since Pentecost, been interned. Many of the Adamic group who did not remain loyal to the planetary administration are likewise interned.

UB:77:7.2 The original number of secondary midwayers was 1,984, and of these 873 failed to align themselves with the rule of Michael and were duly interned in connection with the planetary adjudication of Urantia on the day of Pentecost. No one can forecast the future of these fallen creatures.

Before I continue, know that the providers of the text of the Urantia material were very precise in their choosing of words. The word INTERNED is rather precise.

Interned means:  1. to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits, as prisoners of war, enemy aliens, or combat troops who take refuge in a neutral country.   2. to impound or hold within a country until the termination of a war, as a ship of a belligerent that has put into a neutral port and remained beyond a limited period.


Lindsay related how as a young boy of about ten his parents traveled to the middle east for business involving petroleum and archeology.

His first exposure to the turmoil in that region was when his family arrived from an airport then traveled down a new highway to a destination. On the way he witnessed several bodies hung from hooks over the highway overpasses. This image haunts him to this day. He was taught to protect himself with firearms at an early age and was taught the ways of survival in his dangerous environment.

One of his many memories involves the archeology projects in which his parents were involved. They were photographing every ancient ruin in the region in great detail.

One day when he was in his early teens they came to the site known as Chogha ZanBil which has even more ancient names. Modern day archaeologists claim they think this location has always been a religious center though they are unclear as to why the ancients believed this to be a special place.

Perhaps, this mystery is not so mysterious when we read the rest of Lindsay’s story.

His story summarized is this:  [I have not verified since I have not been there but he seemed genuine in his telling.]

While studying the CZ ruins he noticed that the structure was many levels of older structure. One built upon another. The oldest  was concealed within the center of the outer. While in photos it appears and is described as earth walls slumped down with time, Lindsay says it was more like the very earth in the center had been made molten with some extreme heat. Like atomic melting.

Stairs led him downward to many very ancient temples. One of these temples contained some extraordinary tile work which depicted the history of our world from a creational standpoint. He said the walls amazed him because they were tiled in a most surprising manner. It was as if the smallest one foot square surface showed a tile mozaic pictogram and all the other adjacent tiled pictograms formed a larger puzzle. As one stepped further and further  back a much larger story unfolded.

He said the story of our world in ancient times was depicted, showing things long forgotten and different than many biblical references. There were Giants. There were strange creatures and angels and more. Adam and Eve’s story was different than the Old Texts of today. They were off worlders.

More importantly though, he said every photograph his parents tried to take of this area had the film so fogged it was useless. The same kind of fogging film might have when exposed to some kinds of radiation.

Near the center of the tiled story walls was yet another stairway. Oldest of all but with attributes of high tech modern day construction. At the bottom of the deepest stairwell was a metal door that was ancient yet seemed untouched by time. The metal was not corroded but was clearly ancient. There is a pillar in India with similar attributes.

Warnings were inscribed around the doorway in four ancient languages. The basic gist of the warnings was that this door was to remain locked forever.

Inside were demons and their leader Beelzebub. The door seemed to have an electrical field that one could feel on the skin like static electricity.

It was this encounter that led him on a search for the truth about our world. When I met him in 2009 he was still researching everything he could find about our world in old text. He oddly had never encountered the Urantia Book until he met me.

Now, why I consider his story relevant.

Urantia text describes creatures which are native to our world called Midwayers and Secondary Midwayers. Midwayers were the created lifeforms of the highly advanced beings known as the Caligastia 100. Yes, the same Caligastia I encountered in my shapeshifter posts. He is after all an immortal being, for now.

Secondary Midwayers were the created beings of the off world visitors, stranded here, we know from history as Adam and Eve.

In the case of Midwayers, they are not visible to human eyes without genetic enhancement. Secondary Midwayers are able to take on both physical and non physical form, [thus the name midwayer] and have for ages been confused with all the mythological beings like faeries, demons, djins and such. Often they have also been confused with angels.

After the well known “war in heaven” also known as the” Luciferian Rebellion” on our world, the Secondary Midwayers who were involved in the wrong side of the rebellion were INTERNED.

It is my belief that Chogha Zanbil just might be that place.

It would make sense. In order to contain creatures that can literally walk through walls and change shape one would need some kind of electronic shielding. The container would have to be long lasting with many warnings much like we would do today for future generations if a nuclear reactor was buried.

It is also telling that the name specifically mentioned in the warning was Beelzebub a name that has come down through the centuries as a most dangerous being.



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