#14-Answer to Comment Question: Pineal Gland

The Pineal Gland resembles a pine cone.

Pine Cone resembles Pineal gland


On a previous post I stated that you have many God-like abilities which are accessed through your physical pineal gland , at least in part.

Your DNA strands also connect to certain abilities and are used simultaneously with the pineal.

I won’t wast time here describing the historical significance, physiological aspects and so forth of the Pineal gland. You can find thousands of pages on the internet with that information. Instead, I will give a summarization of HOW you can use your ability. It requires practice.

First, let me say that you don’t have to be purified, ritualized, a meditative expert or any other difficult discipline to use many of the abilities. YOU DO however, have to practice to become proficient. I’m still practicing.

One digression to my last statement. Meditation of any kind will assist you with SOME of the abilities but that is outside this discussion.

Second, I want you to know that the pineal, which is often referred to as the “third eye” is more than an eye kind of organ. When you study the pineal you will find that it actually has many physiological aspects similar to your eyes. But is is more. It is a literal PORTAL to alternate universes or dimensions as well as a PORTAL to this universe’s no time no space point.

Why is that important?

Think about this. You presently live in and are aware of what we can call three dimensional space with time as something that you view in a linear fashion. You perceive the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE as points in space either behind you, with you in the now or potentially in front of you yet to occur. You perceive your physical presence with length, width and depth in SPACE.

If you want to observe anything at any particular time you are limited to WHERE it is relative to you NOW. You can describe where it WAS relative to you NOW. You can anticipate where it might be relative to you NOW. You only KNOW it though in the NOW.

These are the rudimentary aspects of living in the present SPACE-TIME awareness using your physical senses.

Now, if you were to transport yourself to a different frame of perception known as TIME-SPACE [notice the words are reversed]. Then this is how your perceptions would change:  Time perception would have three aspects. Instead of length, width and depth … TIME would be perceived as three dimensional. You would perceive ALL of the BEFORE, NOW and AFTER relationships of any one POINT in space. SPACE becomes a point with a kind of linear aspect. A line or thread of actions and reactions. Or perhaps you might think of it as Karma lines. Action – result. You know everything about whatever IT is you focus upon. Start to finish of it’s existence.

Here is an example of observing in TIME-SPACE. You already know how to observe in SPACE -TIME.

In TIME-SPACE  you focus your attention on an event or a place, say a tree. your TIME-SPACE perception will observe and understand that the tree is in one place but you will perceive it from seed to death. You have the perception of being able to watch the linear movie of that one place in space backward and forward through time as well as in any one place along that spread of time. Your focus point of NOW, Your focus points before NOW, your focus points after NOW.

See the similarity of the idea to your present observational abilities?

So… say you want to access TIME -SPACE to see how something in your potential future might look.

You use your pineal doorway to place your consciousness in TIME-SPACE. You will become unaware of SPACE-TIME momentarily because you have changed your focus of attention. You observe the idea you want to investigate and follow the information you might label FUTURE if I do THIS action. You will immediately be shown  MANY different possibilities as if you were looking over a landscape in SPACE-TIME.

Which possibility is the right one?

They all are  in TIME-SPACE … every possible action reaction potential is observable.

This is where your PRIMARY God-given right comes into play. You choose. FREE WILL CHOICE.

It is important to choose wisely as they say. If you choose a particular time stream and bring that information back with you to SPACE-TIME as a focus you will begin to play out that particular potential TIME-SPACE scenario.

That is the hard part requiring practice. SPACE-TIME is very distracting. Everyone else’s chosen time streams interact with our own. We lose focus and begin to drift away from the chosen path. This is how we have outcomes different than our chosen ones. We have a kind of SPACE-TIME attention deficit disorder.

Accessing TIME-SPACE with the pineal portal is easy. Maintaining focus is hard. That is what takes practice. Meditation helps remove many distractions so you can retrieve the information more easily, but it is not necessary. Information is retrieved nearly instantaneously. The problem is your belief system.

You don’t trust the information and doubt sets in and then you lose focus.

The various natural abilities of non-local awareness [aka remote viewing], energy healing, clairaudiance, clairvoyance, teleportation, seeing the future, observing the past, manifestation and so on all rely on your ability to access information in TIME-SPACE.  I will post How To’s in future posts. I’m not an expert. I too am still practicing.

One more thought for this post. YOUR DNA has a particular frequency. It is light based. There are many texts on the subject available. I highly suggest you read Walter Russel’s Secret of Light and other texts by him and his Wife Lao Russel. They are free for download on the web.

In short though, your DNA is an antenna kind of structure. It both receives and transmits information at very high speed. Much faster than the observable speed of light in our dimension. It works in instantaneous moments. Thought to action with no TIME between the thought and result. The DNA is connected through TIME-SPACE along with the information available through the pineal portal.

These two physical attributes of your body along with the concept of WILL, both yours and the Universal Will of Diety in a harmony [harmonic for you science minds] create a field around you, often known as a torsion field [look it up], and your personal universe unfolds around your body as a place of perception. How you program the elements within that personal energy field creates your personal observation of experiences with their infinite potential possibilities… until you choose a path.

When your consciousness, often referred to as a soul,  passes out of a SPACE-TIME physical body it enters into the TIME-SPACE point of reference. It is here NDE’s (near death experiencers) get that “life review” perception. It is here that they get the wisdom that was available when in the physical body. It is here that they choose to move onward within TIME-SPACE or return somewhere to physical SPACE-TIME for more experiences in that realm. 

Since your Diety, God resides in that TIME SPACE realm you essentially become one in knowledge and ability. Infinite. God stays there unmoving from a SPACE- TIME perspective. TIME-SPACE will either be perceived as “heavenly” or otherwise depending on your personal desire.The same could be said for your perception based on your life choices in the physical SPACE -TIME.


More later.






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