#29 Story continues: John’s Story


cave monk

Previously I explained how Volney, a contactee friend, mysteriously appears at my office door with “John” a guy who apparently was being controled by interdimensional reptillian critters. Later I would learn that this particular type of ET was a “master” of certain “Gray” ET groups.

John was being used to set me up for an abduction. It failed.

My employer and her partner did something to assist John in removing his ET control tethers. John returned to me a week later to tell me his story. Still no Volney  appearance.

John simply said Volney was … with friends. Unexplained.

I asked John to tell me about himself and what had Klaus and Barbara done. He first told me that they had informed him he was not trapped as a slave by the ‘being’. He had free will and could be released. They had treated him as a person possessed.

John said he had quite a story leading up to the Reptilian control. He wanted to explain himself to me since he had nearly caused me harm. Here’s what he told me in

He had been living in Kansas City as a young man in his late teens. One night he was walking home from some entertainment event when be passed a large empty parking lot near a large building. The lot was behind the building and not visible from the street.

As he took this short cut home a large silver disc hovered overhead and landed about fifty feet in front of him. A gorgeous blond young woman got out and invited him inside . She said she was from the Pleiades. She wanted to have sex with him. He said he was oddly calm at the appearance and agreed.

He said it was great sex and then he was let go and the craft left. There were two females not the one. The other was also good looking and he said they both had sex with him. They did something to keep him erect till they had what they wanted from him. He never saw them again. He told no one at the time about this weird occurrenceIt always haunted him how he was so calm afterward.

 In his early twenties he enlisted in the military. He worked his way into an intelligence gathering area and was sent to southeast Asia. He was on a mission in the Gobi Desert area of China when he was met by some nomadic Mongols. The chieftain was shocked to see him. He said he had seen him once before in Tibet years earlier. John knew he bad never been to Tibet and asked how the Chieftain had seen him there.

He was told a fantastic story about Tibetan Priests who lived in caves in the mountain and never came out from the caves. They were wise and could tell the future. The Chieftain wanted to know something. He traveled there and met the Monks. One of them looked exactly like John apparently. 

John hired the Chieftain to take him there. They traveled by horse many days. They eventually came to a city on the side of the great mountains. He was left in that village and was met by monks who said they had been waiting for him to arrive. He wanted to know how they knew. They said his arrival had been foretold.

 He was taken by a kind of High Lama to a place far above this village to an area dotted with caves in the mountainside. They went to a particular cave and began to remove the many stones blocking the entrance except for a small hole. He was told that someone was in the cave and could be fed through the hole. Each cave held one human in a holy state.

John waited until the stones were removed and he was told to look inside. He was scared. He was a military trained killer and something made him scared to look. He peered inside and saw a figure in the shadow. It bad huge eyes all black with no iris or pupil. It was all pupil. The creature or man didn’t look Tibetan.

As he suddenly began to understand what he was viewing he fell back screaming … the thing in the hole looked just like himself except for the eyes … and it was invading his mind with its thoughts.

He says he passed out. He traveled back to the Gobi Desert Camp in some instantaneous manner. The chieftain had not yet returned but he [John] had somehow gotten back ahead of him. His mind was filled with information about the future and something he had to do. He did not disclose what that was.

Years later, he was taken aboard a different disc shaped craft manned by little gray aliens and some of the Human types and others including Reptilians. They were all working together for some goal he did not disclose to me. It was aboard that craft he met Volney. They had learned about the Scottsdale Center and me. There was some kind of excitement … he did not disclose why. He was told to go with Volney and bring me the grips. The rest I knew.


More next post.





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