
#38 Continued: Andre S. information

As stated in my previous post, these are the note items “Andre” shared with me. They are in no particular order. I want to mention though, that when I first encountered “Andre” AKA Bart I had no knowledge of the subject of NON-LOCAL AWARENESS also known today as Remote Viewing. Apparently, Andre has a very(…)

#37 The Mysterious “Andre S.”

Image: Stonehenge in England. A sacred geometry site. One of many important to the subject below.   You may recall from earlier posts that Richard Hoagland and I had co-authored a document requesting that the City of Phoenix, Arizona declare Cydonia on Mars as an archeological sister city site for international protection. The Russians of(…)

#36 The Time Traveler

He  was a man who says he was named  Al Bielek. I’m sure many people know his name today as he has had much national exposure since I first met him about 1989. There are pundits who say they have debunked Al’s story as being a time traveler. I really can’t buy into that because(…)

#35 Volney Continued…

According to Volney: “It became apparent early on they wanted our knowledge. They subjected us to all kinds of tests. Many of us had new abilities. Increased reasoning powers, telekenesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and such. I was able to juggle several ping-pong-balls in the air with my mind. We secretly knew that we’d never be released if our abilities stayed available(…)

#34 My Friend Volney Stefflre

Image: Professor Volney Stefflre (1990) I didn’t know Volney long, only about a year. In that year though we discovered we had a lot in common. I first met Volney at the Scottsdale, Arizona Center For UFO Studies which was founded by J. Allen Hynek. I was a volunteer there when he arrived one day(…)

#33 National Radio Show shut down by ETs?

  I’ve been a guest on about 600 talk radio programs representing the Meier story. When I was doing a two hour show on KCMO [Kansas City] with a five million person audience the Pleiadians made good on a promise. Prior to agreeing to represent Meier, I was instructed to portray the case without my own ego(…)

#32 Story- Tucson Arizona Alien Protection

Image: What happened to the recording of my live talk. Donald Keys had invited me to speak at the Tucson version of the Interdimensional and Interspecies Communications event. I had agreed to attend even though it was a very last minute invitation. I drove to Tucson with slide show and other handouts in tow. I arrived(…)

#31 Story: Interdimensional & Interspecies Communication Conference.

  I had now encountered three different types of ET related shape shifters. John with the possession type, Dr. C. of the mental field type (hiding behind an illusion) , and “Alice” a true physical shift. My paradigm of what is possible was expanding in huge proportions… or… I was crazy as a loon! A month went(…)

#30 Story continues : Volney Returns

John’s story was an unbelievable story to me because it involved me. Why would anyone care about me. I was nothing in the great scheme of things from my perspective. John hung around the HEC for many weeks until Christmas time. The HEC had a Christmas party. I attended hoping to meet a horny woman. I was lonely .(…)

#29 Story continues: John’s Story

  Previously I explained how Volney, a contactee friend, mysteriously appears at my office door with “John” a guy who apparently was being controled by interdimensional reptillian critters. Later I would learn that this particular type of ET was a “master” of certain “Gray” ET groups. John was being used to set me up for(…)

#28 Story continues: Mysterious “John” & Interdimensional Shifter

Image: “John” with his interdimensional handler.   I haven’t yet told you my story about another contactee named Volney. That will come soon. Remember I said I’d be telling some of the story out of sequence. Volney had disappeared nearly a year ago right after he had given me his manuscript ( yes another one)(…)

#27 Another Shape Shifter type

Image: Shape shifter of the mental variety.     I was working for a company in Scottsdale dealing in brain entrainment technology.  This involved a small electronic box with headphones and sunglasses embedded with pulsating LEDs. At the time I was the National Sales Manager. After a few years with them I was terminated and(…)

#26 Story continues: Children of the Light?

It worked like this: The Pleiadians believe that if one makes a commitment it is an important spiritual contract. NOT to do what one commits to others will require a kind of retribution for the infraction. Here is an example they gave: A famous movie director had agreed to assist the Pleiadians in production a documentary of the(…)

#25 Story continues: Children of the Light?

My experience with Judith launched me into a greater determination to know the truth about God. I had my auto accident and was not dead. I’d had several synchronistic meetings with authors about space subjects that defied my beliefs. I’d had invisible entities talk to me and apparently use another person to heal me of things modern medicine did(…)

#24 Gift from my Dolphin Friends

IMAGE: Scan of postcard sent to me by “Alice” after the Dolphins gave me a mission to send a message for them. [Jumping forward in my story] It was now about three days before I was due to leave for Oregon to attend the conference known as World Symposium On Interspecies & Interdimensional Communication hosted(…)

#23- More on shape shifters I’ve met

As I stated previously, I’ve met several shape shifters. Not all of them are ET’s. Our world also has its share of strangeness. I never had any idea that some  humans of our world could shift. This next true event I experienced was both wonderful and disturbing at the same time. I was attending a(…)

#22-Story Continues: More on Angels in the Desert?

Robert came out of a back room and said Judith would be ready shortly. She was meditating. Ten minutes or so later he came to me and escorted me to a small bedroom converted to an office or studio. In there was a sofa, two chairs and a massage table where Judith lay on her(…)

#21-Story Continues: Angels in the Desert?

Image: Store Card   Richard, Lee and Mr. S. were the main conversationalists and I was mostly a silent witness. Lee did however invite me to his home in northern Arizona to learn more about the Meier case. I was totally mesmerized by the stories I’d heard that most probably never will be publicly disclosed. Over(…)

#20-Story continues: There are no coincidences.

Image: Cydonia on Mars (excerpt  public Nasa Image) His was one of the names listed in the publication of Volume One of UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES with publishers called Genesis Three. I had no reason to meet him personally as I just wanted  the books. I sent a mail order. The books arrived and I now(…)

#19-Story continues: more stage setting.

In these same few months I had begun to receive a few customers who were asking about a book called UFO CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES. Another book came out after COMMUNION called LIGHTYEARS by Gary Kinder. In that UFO book it discussed a case in Switzerland regarding a guy named Billy Meier. It also mentioned(…)

#18-Story continues: More on why not dead.

Finally, he gave me a sheaf of Xerox copies of some gally-like pages from a soon to be published book by a guy he knew . The pages were copies of copies and the photos were faint. Still the text was readable. The book was about some anomalies found on the surface of Mars. A large(…)

#17-Story continues: more as to why I was not dead.

Early on in this narrative, I spoke briefly about having past life memories that I never discussed. Those memories began to resurface along with many seemingly synchronistic events while I was trying very hard to keep from losing everything again. Life was stressful. We decided to visit my in-laws in Phoenix over the week end. On(…)

#16-Story Continues: Not dead … but why?

From book Chapter 6: A woman in a small car had plowed into me going over 60MPH.  I was at a full stop. She and her three children were killed. Others were involved when her car spun out across highway lines. My car was telescoped to a third of its size. I was sitting on the sidewalk across(…)

#15-Answer : Pineal Gland Part 2

Let’s take a look at the function of the Pineal as a portal. It is much like your device for viewing the internet. It is a physical device that gives your SPACE-TIME body and awareness access to the multi-universal TIME -SPACE information. Many names are given over the millenia for this information source. Matrix, Akashic(…)

#14-Answer to Comment Question: Pineal Gland

The Pineal Gland resembles a pine cone.   On a previous post I stated that you have many God-like abilities which are accessed through your physical pineal gland , at least in part. Your DNA strands also connect to certain abilities and are used simultaneously with the pineal. I won’t wast time here describing the(…)

#13-Types of Shape shifters encountered.

Long before it became popularized I encountered several different types of beings on our world who aren’t what they appear on the surface to our vision. From my experience I have seen these three versions of shape shifting. 1)  Actual physical change. 2)  Mental projection of a shape that is not really there.  The shifter(…)

#12-Story continues: 1-25-13 Setting the stage.

As I said earlier, Mark gave me enough social knowledge and kicks in the pants to allow me to locate and eventually marry my first wife E. It is not surprising to me today in retrospect, that I was led, yes led , to E.  Her family would play the next role in my strange life leading(…)

#11-Story continues: 1-24-13 b People and Pimpmobiles

Our family usually got together at nightly meals and for some weekend jaunts. We also used the standard American 2 or 3 week vacation to travel or go camping when Dad and Mom, sometimes with Grandma, would explore parts of America. I really enjoyed those times … but again they did not give me that individual feeling(…)

#10-Story continues: 1-24-13 Purple gorillas?

That same year after the ‘event’ in class with the Dr.Von Braun  and his military associates, I began to read real books as opposed to my usual comic book selections. My first ever hardcover book to read [and was checked out of the school library] was “Red Planet Mars” by Robert Heinlein. I don’t know why the(…)

#9-Cydonia Mars – Phoenix Arizona Related? 1-23-13

Below you see a scan of the original Mailgram I sent to myself in 1987. This was sent to make sure proof existed in the future that at least we tried to make a difference. Richard Hoagland and I co-authored the document which was presented to the City of Phoenix before major media. Unfortunately, clandestine(…)