#8-Wisdom note: 1-23-13

Today I decided to change the way I’d originally planned to tell my story.

I’m going to leave out much of my personal life history and simply tell each event I think is important for others to know. Then I’ll add the in-be-tween events that fill in the gaps.

For today I have added some slides to the main page. One you need to heed as important is the suggestion of learning to use your God given natural abilities. Many of you may not even know you have them.   But, you do.

Non-Local Awareness is many forms of what is popularly known as Remote Viewing. It takes on may more forms than just seeing through time and space. I’ll post  articles on how to do it. Or you can find many fine teachers on the internet under that search term REMOTE VIEWING. If anyone tells you it’s not real… well, they are ignorant.

STILLNESS is and has always has been a way to communicate with your creator. That too is easy to learn. Before some of you with beliefs in the religious ISMS get all bent out of shape, read your own texts… STILLNESS is always part of your sacred texts.

Theraputic touch is now taught in modern hospitals. There are books on the subject. In short, you do have the ability to assist healing of others and yourself. Without drugs.



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