#28 Story continues: Mysterious “John” & Interdimensional Shifter

Image: “John” with his interdimensional handler.

John with shapeshifter


I haven’t yet told you my story about another contactee named Volney. That will come soon. Remember I said I’d be telling some of the story out of sequence.

Volney had disappeared nearly a year ago right after he had given me his manuscript ( yes another one) to market to publishers. I ultimately sent it to Richard Hoagland’s publisher since he seemed OK with non-mainstream subject matter. That is discussed in Volney’s post.

I was separated from my wife of 17 years and was staying in Scottsdale at studio apartments next to a large Catholic church on Miller Road.

I was managing a building called the Human Enhancement Center which included a wide range of non-traditional healing modalities. Everything from  Hawaiian massage to Reiki and even shaman ritual.  It was all very interesting and mostly new to me.

I arrived at the Center early one day to get some paperwork done. It was a cool Arizona morning, about seventy degrees and I had the front entryway door open to cool the structure before the heat increased and we had to put on air conditioning.

I was writing with my head down when I was startled by a quick flash of light.I heard someone clear their throat.  I looked up and standing in the doorway, just outside, was Volney and a short bald headed man that appeared about forty.

I was shocked!It was Volney and a very short bald headed man. Volney was no longer fat. He was easily 190 pounds and looked fit. The last time I’d seen him he was over 300 pounds and not fit at all!  I was also shocked because it was so unexpected to see anyone this early in the morning.

Volney spoke to me, “Hi Dave! How ya doing!”

“Volney! How did you get here! I didn’t even hear you drive up!”

His answer was so strange. He looked up and motioned with his eyes and simply said “Some… er… friends dropped us off.”  Knowing Volney and his background I wondered just who were these friends as I thought about the flash of light.

“Dave … this is John … he’s kinda like me … he has a message for you.”

I looked at John. He was bout forty as I said, stood about 5 foot 4 inches, my mothers height, was completely bald, no facial hair, bright blue eyes, muscular and perfect smile. But… something about his … I can only say “vibes” troubled me.

They came into the building at my invitation and right then Volney said he had to be somewhere but would I talk with John. I agreed and asked John to go into a nearby empty office where one of the practitioners would be later in the day. He went through the door and I turned to close and lock the Center door since I would not be there for security at the moment. Volney was gone. Just like that. No sound … just gone. I looked outside… even ran down a sidewalk to look in the street for a car. Nothing. No sound of gravel from the lot. Nothing.

Perplexed, I locked the door and went in with John. He was sitting on a folding chair against one wall across from a desk. I sat at the desk with a window behind me. John had a solid wall with no decoration. This was a practitioner room and was not adorned.

He sat there quietly grinning at me. A strange kind of grin as if he knew something I didn’t know. He didn’t offer to shake hands but he did tilt his head in acknowledgement of my presence.

“Well, John… do you have a last name?”

“Just John is fine.”

“Why are you here John?”

” As Volney said, I ‘m here to see you.”

” Why me?


Image: Similar to the device described.

He reached into a pocket of his cargo style pant’s and took out two golden colored circular items that resembled brass knuckles without the finger holes. A sort of flattened spiral bracelets. He held out his hand and said, “These are for you.”

“What are they and who are they from?”

“They’re called grips and they are a gift from your Pleiadian friends.” he answered.

I was immediately suspicious. But, he had been brought by Volney with whom I had a trust. I let him keep them for now and asked him to set them on the desk in front of me.

He sat patiently with that  grin or smirk waiting for me to pick up the ‘grips’ he had set on the desk top.

“What do these things do if I touch them?” I asked.

” The Pleaidians are happy with your work with them. They wanted you to have them. With these grips you can view other worlds with your mind.”

That line sounded like it came straight from the old movie the Day the Earth Stood Still, an ET contact movie from the 1950’s.

I tried to see his aura. I had learned how to see them by now. Nothing. He was shielded from my view. I considered a moment and sought my inner truth sense. I felt no danger. I picked up the items and held them.

“What do I do?” I asked.

He just smiled. Suddenly on the wall behind him a kind of portal opened up on the wall… I didn’t see any other planets… I did see an 8 foot tall alligator looking reptilian being with what appeared to be puppet like energy streamers controlling John. I kept a straight face. Set the golden “grips” down on the desk and told John I’d be right back I needed to see the lady who owned this place for a moment. I had heard her enter moments before. He sat there with the same smirky grin unmoving.

I went out to the lobby and quickly got to Barbara and told her what had just occurred. I said I wanted her to see John with me.

Barbara was the founder of the Center and I learned only recently she had a well defined psychic talent. I took her into the room and introduced her as the Founder of the HEC.

John stood and took her hand and she immediately fainted. I quickly called for anyone in the place to help. A lady named Judy, a Hawaiian massage therapist, came in and helped carry Barbara to a mat on the floor next door . We began to try to revive her with hand massage and talking.

Barbara opened her eyes and her mouth got round with “Oh! My!”. She sat up and said “Who IS that guy! When  I touched him and I was up inside a giant spacecraft, out of body, and they wanted to trap me! Only it was YOU they wanted!” 

I said I didn’t know. She went to find Klaus her business partner and together they led John to a different room in the building. She asked the lady Judy to psychically protect me.

Barbara and Klaus kept John in the  room across the office compound for several hours. Later they emerged and John left.

I was apparently out of that information loop for now. I was angered that Klaus and Barbara took over when he had come to see me. That was the continuation of my learning that she like everyone else in my life up to that time had  personal hidden agendas. I was still so ignorant about people. Again, I felt as if I was being used.

Volney didn’t return. I went outside while John was with Barbara and Klaus and looked for Volney once more.  I began to think maybe Volney wasn’t kidding when he indicated ‘friends’ had literally dropped him off. ET kind of friends.

Later that afternoon Barbara told me that they had helped John release himself from the ET energy connection on a spiritual level whatever that meant. The being I’d seen was an interdimensional being. A days later John returned and told me his story.

[Note: It wasn’t Pleiadians. It was the little gray guys she saw.]


 More on next post.



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