#34 My Friend Volney Stefflre

Image: Professor Volney Stefflre (1990)


I didn’t know Volney long, only about a year. In that year though we discovered we had a lot in common.

I first met Volney at the Scottsdale, Arizona Center For UFO Studies which was founded by J. Allen Hynek. I was a volunteer there when he arrived one day in an old tail fin Cadillac. It was obvious he had been living in his car for a while.

He met with me over lunch that day and we began to get acquainted. He said he had been directed to me. He wanted me to assist him in publishing a manuscript. Yet again, I am singled out for publishing when I had no experience in that field. I did have contacts though.

I have already described an interaction with Volney and his friend “John” at the Human Enhancement Center. This is what led up to that odd experience.

Volney gave me a multi-fold flyer and told me to give it to everyone I wanted as it was his last gift to our world before he “went away”. I didn’t know at the time what that meant. I’m still not sure. You be the judge after this next series of posts.

IMAGE: Front cover of Volneys message to our world.

Volney flyer cover

The image at the left is a link to his last message given to me and I’m sure others to spread around. I’ve always had his permission to reproduce it and give it out freely. The image above came from the back of the flyer.

Click on the image and you will be taken to a page that has the full text. It did not reproduce well on copy machine in those days of 1990’s so using today’s scanning OCR technology I have saved the exact text. I don’t know what the symbol represents. I never thought to ask. If anyone who reads this knows I’d appreciate your input.

I highly recommend you read it all even though at times it is requiring some deep thought . Especially, read the last page… he to … like me on my front page recommends  learning how to use your Psi abilities for future survival.


Volney Stefflre described himself as a PhD Economist who apparently had a reputation so advanced he was acceptable in government and business on a moments notice for a visit with important leaders. Or so Volney had told me. Volney wanted to meet me because he was told I knew publishers. I met him the first time just down the block from the UFO Center in a little bistro called ‘Corner Cafe’.

Volney supposedly had this huge financially based career but when I met him  yet he was living in his old Cadillac. I bought him lunch. AND … since he was probably about 350 pounds I was concerned with his potential order. I was nearly broke myself.

He was shaped and had a beard just like a classic Santa Claus. In fact, he told me he often did that for stores at Christmas. This hardly seemed like a guy who had money. Still he was very affable and laughed at everything about life and said I was too serious.

He gave me a copy of his ten page vitae. Holy Smoke! His list of credentials if true was very impressive! I wanted to know more especially “Why me?”.

He gave me a large box filled with an original manuscript for publication. It dealt with the research he’d compiled over thirty years regarding our planet and its future. A future he claimed was being engineered by ALIENs! through a process called TERRAFORMING.

I didn’t think he was crazy. He was lucid and made lots of sense. He related his personal history that was not included in the Vitae. Probably because it involved his own alien abduction experiences. I suppose he wanted to maintain some credibility.

Volney had been snatched in the 1950’s in Korea during the conflict there prior to the treaty dividing the country. He was a young man serving in the infantry. He was in a small squad on reconnaissance when a large silver disc hovered over them and they simply awoke inside the craft. The small gray beings returned his other team members and kept him. He didn’t know why right then. He told me he was frightened.

[ED NOTE: I confirmed his Korean presence during the war. Here is a photo of him when he was the voice of Good Morning Korea for the troops.] This image is taken from a document considered public domain as near as I can tell. If anyone holds the actual copyright please let me know and I shall make licensing arrangements or remove it upon request.  Volney was apparently the originator of the concept used later known as “Good Morning Vietnam” during his stint with “Good Morning Korea”.

ScreenHunter_196 Feb. 07 13.05

Anyway, continuing his story:

According to Volney he was shown the future of our planet. [ED: much like myself and my grandfather]

The ET’s told him we were destroying one of the most; beautiful planets in our galaxy. They offered to either take him with them, as they said he had some advanced genetics that would be useful to them, or he could be returned and as he put it “stay to help the ignorant Indians”, meaning humankind at large, to stop destroying our world.

He chose to stay but said he might like to go with them later in life. They agreed.

They returned him with full memory of his experience. The military immediately took him into custody and sent him to a special intelligence unit for “debriefing”. He  became a prisoner of the so called MJ-12 [or equivalent] secret branch. They had him in a sanitarium facility with armed guards along with a dozen or so others. Each had an ET experience. The cover story was they were all schizophrenics.

More next post.





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