#73 Native American Weather Control.

Chimney Rock National Monument is located just a few miles from Pagosa Springs, Colorado. The image below is of the rock formations that give the location its name.

This is a very sacred site for the Hopi and other Native Americans.


 [IMAGE: National Park Service,Public Domain , click to enlarge]

I had attended a ceremony that had not been performed in over 700 years by the Hopi located in Arizona. They came to this site to fulfill a prophecy which included  that special ceremonial dance. The weather was clear and it was hot for the day. 

I was attending with many others including the author of ET 101 a popular ET book of that period. If you can get a copy it’s quite fun.

The next image is of the Great Kiva located on the property. In this Great Kiva the sacred dance was performed by the Hopi from Arizona. One of the elements of the dance was intentional weather control. A rain Dance.

[IMAGE: National Park Service] 

800px-Great_Kiva_at_Chimney_Rock_Colorado_This area had been in the midst of a many years drought. As I stated earlier the sky was totally clear. No clouds.

At the beginning of the dance it was hot and clear. Within 20 minutes of the intentional dance a cloud began to form right over the national monument and ten minutes later lightening and thunder with hard rain and HAIL spattered down on the unprepared onlookers. The cloud was located ONLY over the dance site of Chimney Rock.

The next image is one I took at the time of the dance. I have a copy of a newspaper  account of the incident which I will make available once it is scanned for your reading.

Chinmey rock redacted


This post is important as an illustration that human potential in the areas of Non Local Awareness has been practiced for many generations.


Native American tribes have known this although mainstream, modern western thought believes it to be all myth and superstition.

Not so. You too can do what these dancers did. You don’t have to dance  as they did. The Dance was a focus they had used for generations. A ritual to remember the power. To give thanks to the Source of their naming.

The same technique applies to many other types of NLA such as healing.











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