#15-Answer : Pineal Gland Part 2

Let’s take a look at the function of the Pineal as a portal. It is much like your device for viewing the internet. It is a physical device that gives your SPACE-TIME body and awareness access to the multi-universal TIME -SPACE information. Many names are given over the millenia for this information source. Matrix, Akashic records, Life profile, etc… I like to refer to it as the Source which also implies intelligent design.

You don’t actually access the information by enabling the pineal. It is ALWAYS active and sending you information. What you do is pay attention to SOME of the information.

Here is an analogy. There is a concept known as persistence of vision. It applies to your eyes information gathering. You look ahead in a lighted room and pass your hand before your eyes. You see your hand move. Now, let’s turn off all light. You pass your hand in front of your face. You still see your hand move but without much of the color … it appears as a shadow. Now turn on the lights. Pass your hand in front of your face. You see your hand pass again, but this time less of a shadow.

In all cases you actually never SAW anything. You mind was taking various information bits from your senses and constructing your hand movement in your mind. Your conditioning edited out information based on your preconceived notions of what you would perceive.

In a dream state you can see full color hands moving where there is no light, not even a physical body. Yet you perceive hands don’t you?

So the mind, connected to your perception and consciousness is creating an image for you to interpret as hands and movement. You DO however have to focus on the outcome… seeing a hand.

Your pineal is always sending you information of infinite variety and content. It is connected to TIME-SPACE where everything is perceivable simultaneously. It is your FOCUS that brings any particular bit of information to your physical awareness. You have to pay attention.

So do you need to somehow activate your pineal? NO! It is always active.

Do you need to pay attention? YES!

How does one know when to pay attention?

That is the key to using the portal to all knowledge. How to pay attention.

It is quite simple to describe. HARD TO DO.

Simply LOOK at the information with your desire or will to see it. Ask your internal question and it will be given to you immediately. IF you will trust what you observed is real. Which begs the question… what is real?

My answer is everything is real and not real. A paradox depending on your point of view. Quantum Physics knows this concept. The observer changes the outcome of what is.

Real is what YOU make it.

Practice tests your ability to trust what you wish to be real.

Try something simple as an exercise. Simply look into your mind’s eye and see what is on someones bathroom counter, or their kitchen counter, or what they’re wearing that day. Immediately write down your impressions. Color, texture, basic shape etc… then contact them ans ask if such an object is there in the NOW or was shortly in the past or they were planning to have it there in the near future.

As you practice such simple tests you will begin to SEE your patterns of retrieval of information. Then move to personal tests. As you walk along a street, look ahead in the FUTURE not the visual and SEE  what you cannot yet see with your eyes. When you finally see it compare it to your imagined perception.

These are but two of thousands of things you can do to practice a different type of perception.

Now a word of caution. When practicing, ACCEPT the FIRST impression of information you receive. Nothing after. If you don’t accept the first information your mind will try to interpret the information based on all of its filters and experiences previously to your attempt. Do not be afraid to be inaccurate. That is what practice is for.

A good method of discipline is to learn remote viewing. It teaches this concept of first impressions.

As you learn to trust your inner vision information it gets more and more detailed until eventually you get to a place that if you were blind you could see the world around you as if you were not. Then you can transfer that observational ability to any endeavor… like looking into someones heart and soul to know them as their Creator knows them. Yes that’s right… such is shown in many religious texts throughout time.

YOU can use this same principle to observe a disharmonious condition in a persons body. You can SEE the illness down to microscopic levels. You can SEE what has to be done to repair such, with their permission, and effect healing.

It’s not about prayer. It’s about your faith in harmony with the Source that the information/experience can be changed. It can… with practice.

This little bit of guidance in my pineal answer should get you started.  Enjoy your practice.



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